Beautiful organic, botanical lace creates statement peaks along the edge of this veil, finished perfectly with a tiny crystal scatter for subtle sparkle.
Shown in our 98″ length, if ordered as a two tier, this veil will have a plain blusher with a cut edge.
Exclusive Timeless Signature Tulle. This is our finest and most sheer tulle meticulously designed for the most important day of your life. Make a breath-taking entrance to fulfil all your dreams in our gorgeous luxury tulle wedding veil. Your own personal taste is reflected beautifully when you choose one of signature tulle veils. Both traditional and contemporary styles are complemented by this refined fabric which is especially suited to single, two tier and multiple layered veils. Made exclusively for us in Devon, England, to our own luxury specification we use only the very finest yarn available to give you a ‘barely there’ appearance. The finished fabric is as light as air, smooth to the touch and effortless to wear.
Care Instructions
To keep your veil in pristine condition, handle with care and hang up for a few days before wearing to allow creases to fall out naturally. Do not wash, steam or iron your veil as this may damage it. Not suitable for dry cleaning.
Fallegt slör sem er fáanlegt til sérpöntunar í ýmsum síddum. Handgert og framleitt í Bretlandi undir sterkustu gæðakröfum. Framleitt fyrir hverja og eina brúði og þar af leiðandi hægt að breyta sniði/skrauti/lit/efni, merkja með stöfum og/eða brúðkaupdagsetningu. Framleiðslan tekur almennt 3-4 daga og sendingin 1-2 daga til landsins. Söfnum almennt saman pöntunum til þess að þurfa ekki að rukka fyrir senginu en fáum mjög reglulega sendingar. Endilega hafðu samband fyrir áætlaðan komutíma.